Digital Marketing Agency

Digital Solutions for Innovative Businesses

Crackling Media is a specialised digital marketing agency located in Melbourne, Australia, that focuses on the food and beverage, health, manufacturing and consumer brand sectors.

Our mission is to help you maximise your business goals by utilising data driven methods to generate leads and converting through digital channels.
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"We utilise a wide range of digital tools, methods, and content to help your business effectively engage with both current and potential customers."

Business success in the digital age

Digital marketing and digital media offer businesses the opportunity to effectively connect with customers, build brand awareness, and achieve greater success in today's competitive marketplace.

Skyrocket Your Business With Digital Marketing

Stimulate your business growth using tailored digital marketing to generate leads, increase brand awareness and converting customers.
At Crackling Media, we specialise in managing SEO/SEM to help you improve your online visibility and attract more organic traffic to your website. Our SEO/SEM services involve a range of activities, including conducting keyword research, optimising website content and structure and monitoring website analytics to track and analyse performance.

We start by conducting thorough research to identify the most relevant keywords for your target audience, and then optimise your website content and structure to ensure it aligns with those keywords.

Throughout the process, we monitor website analytics to track and analyse performance, making adjustments as necessary to help you achieve higher search engine rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately, increase your online visibility and revenue.
Social Media
Our goal with Social Media is to help you increase brand awareness, engagement, and reach on popular social media platforms. By doing so, we help you build a loyal following of customers and ultimately, increase your revenue and bottom line.

Our social media services include: developing a social media strategy, creating engaging content, managing social media accounts, and monitoring social media analytics to track and analyse performance.

We start by developing a comprehensive social media strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives, and then create engaging content that resonates with your target audience. We can also manage your social media accounts, responding to comments and messages in a timely and professional manner.
Advertising/Lead Generation
By developing a comprehensive advertising strategy, we help you reach your target audience, generate leads, and increase your customer base.

Our advertising and lead generation services involve a range of activities, including developing advertising campaigns, identifying target audiences, creating compelling ad creatives, and managing the advertising budget to achieve the best return on investment (ROI).
Content Marketing
Content Marketing is a crucial component for attracting, engaging, and converting your target audience through the creation and distribution of valuable and relevant content.

We start the process by developing a comprehensive content marketing strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives. We then work with you and use data-driven insights to identify the target audience, create relevant and valuable content, and distribute it through the appropriate channels.

Our team of skilled content creators are experienced in creating  blog posts, social media posts, infographics, videos, and more.
Email Marketing
We offer comprehensive email marketing services to help you build and nurture relationships with your customers and prospects, ultimately driving engagement, conversions, and revenue growth through effective email campaigns.

Starting by developing a customised email marketing strategy, we then develop email templates, content, and calls-to-action that are both visually appealing and designed to encourage engagement and conversions.

We can also help you build and manage your email database, ensuring that you are reaching the right audience, and we constantly monitor email campaign analytics, making adjustments as necessary to optimise the results.
Digital Campaigns
In collaboration with you, we start by identifying the most effective digital channels for your campaign, such as social media, display advertising or search advertising.

From there, we create compelling ad creatives and select the right targeting options. We also set up tracking and analytics to monitor the performance of your campaign and make data-driven optimisations to ensure that your campaigns are performing at their best.

Launch Your Bespoke Website

We help you design, build and launch your business website to showcase your offerings and provide an optimised user experience.
Layout Design
Our layout design services are focused on creating visually appealing, user-friendly websites that effectively communicate your brand and message.

The process begins with a thorough understanding of your business and target audience, to develop a design concept that aligns with your business objectives.

Our team of experienced designers uses the latest design tools and technologies to create custom layouts and visual elements that capture the attention of the user and guide them through the website. We pay careful attention to typography, colour, and imagery to ensure that the design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also legible and easy to navigate.
Branding Design
Branding design is a key component of a successful website development project. It helps create a strong brand identity, establish credibility and trust with the user, and differentiate a brand from its competitors.

Our specialist team at Crackling Media will design all the visual elements, such as the logo, colour palette, typography, and other brand assets, that represent your  brand and create a consistent look and feel across all touch points.

By incorporating branding design into the website development process, our objective is to create a powerful online presence that resonates with your target audience and drives business growth.
Our objective in UX design is to develop an intuitive, engaging, and affirmative experience for your website's users that satisfies their needs and meets their expectations. This involves conducting research to understand the user's needs, preferences, and behaviours, and using this information to inform the design decisions.

At Crackling Media, we believe that UX design should be considered throughout the design and development process to ensure that the website meets the needs and expectations of the user. Therefore, our work encompasses all aspects of the user's interaction with the website, including the design, layout, content, functionality, and navigation.
Website Development
Once the design process is complete, we take your designs and transform them into a fully functional website.

We have developed a collaborative approach to build and maintain websites, involving a variety of technical skills and expertise across the different stages of our projects: planning, design, development, testing, and deployment.

The purpose of this development strategy is to guarantee that the website fulfils the requirements of its end-users.
Content Creation
Our work when creating content for your website includes written copy, images, videos, and other forms of media that are designed to engage the user and communicate information about your brand, products or services, and that is optimised for search engines and social media.

We always start by conducting keyword research in line with the goals and objectives of the website. Next we implement best practices for on-page SEO to ensure that the content ranks well in search results and is easily discoverable by the target audience.

At Crackling Media, we always consider content creation as a continuous process, requiring regular updates and additions to keep your website fresh, relevant, and engaging.
We offer comprehensive integration services that can help you enhance your website's functionality, improve business processes, and provide a better user experience for you and your website's visitors.

We work with a wide range of applications and services, including payment gateways, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, social media platforms, and many others.

Our process for integrating third-party applications or services into a website development project typically involves identifying the appropriate tools, configuring the settings and options, and implementing the necessary code to connect the website to the external application or service.

Engage Your E-commerce Customers

Capture and analyse your customer data to provide them a memorable and seamless e-commerce experience to drive repeat business.
Website Optimisation
We can help you optimise your ecommerce website to enhance its performance and drive better results. Here are some of the ways we can assist you with website optimisation:

- Conduct a website audit: we will conduct a thorough audit of your website to identify any technical or design issues that may be affecting your site's performance. This analysis will help us to determine which areas need to be optimised to improve your website's user experience and search engine ranking.

- Improve your website's design: a visually appealing and user-friendly website can help increase engagement and conversions. Our team will work with you to optimise your website's design, ensuring that it's easy to navigate and provides a great user experience.- Enhance your website's content: quality content is crucial for SEO and user engagement. We can help you optimise your website's content by improving your keyword strategy, ensuring your content is well-structured and easy to read.

- Implement SEO best practices: We will optimise your website for search engines by conducting keyword research, optimising your site's metadata and headers, and ensuring that your site is structured for optimal crawling and indexing.

- Monitor and analyse your website's performance: we will monitor your website's performance regularly and provide you with detailed reports on traffic, engagement, and conversions. This analysis will help us to identify any areas that require further optimisation and make data-driven decisions to improve your website's performance.
User Journey Mapping
To optimise your ecommerce website and user experience through User Journey Mapping, our team will work with you to understand your customer's needs and expectations, create user personas, and map out the user journey from start to finish.

Based on our analysis, we will optimise the user journey to create a seamless and engaging experience for your customers. We will identify any pain points or bottlenecks in the user journey and make necessary adjustments to ensure a smooth transition from one step to the next. Our goal is to help you create a website that meets your customer's needs and drives better engagement and conversion rates.
Our objective with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is to improve your website's search engine ranking, drive more traffic to your site, and ultimately increase your business's online visibility and profitability.

Our team will start by conducting keyword research, optimise your website's metadata and headers, and ensure that your site is structured for optimal crawling and indexing.

We will also work with you to create and execute a comprehensive SEM strategy, including pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and social media advertising. Our goal is to help you reach your target audience and drive more traffic to your website through both organic and paid channels.
Paid Advertising
We understand that ecommerce businesses face unique challenges when it comes to paid advertising. That's why we offer tailored solutions to help you drive targeted traffic and increase sales.

Our team will work with you to identify your target audience, develop messaging that resonates with them, and create high-quality ads that drive them to take action. We specialise in a range of paid advertising services, including pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media advertising, display advertising, and more.

We will also monitor your campaigns regularly and make data-driven decisions to optimise your ads and improve your ROI. Our goal is to help you get the most out of your advertising budget and maximise your return on investment.
Digital Marketing
In collaboration with you, we will develop a customised digital marketing strategy tailored to your specific needs and goals. This strategy will include a mix of different digital marketing channels, such as search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

For SEO, we will conduct extensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords for your business. For PPC, we will create and manage your campaigns on Google Ads and other relevant platforms. We will ensure that your campaigns are targeting the right audience, using the most effective keywords, and optimised for maximum ROI.

For social media marketing, we will create and manage your social media accounts on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We will develop a content calendar and create engaging and shareable content that resonates with your target audience. For email marketing, we will create customised email campaigns that target specific segments of your audience. We will focus on creating personalised and relevant content that drives engagement and conversions.

Finally, we will provide you with regular reports and analytics to track your progress and measure the success of our digital marketing efforts. We will use this data to continuously improve and optimise your digital marketing strategy to ensure that it's delivering the best possible results for your ecommerce website.
Sales and Marketing Analytics
At Crackling media, we understand that data-driven insights are crucial for optimising your online sales and marketing efforts. By analysing the data generated by your ecommerce website and marketing campaigns, we can help you identify areas of improvement, as well as opportunities for growth.

Here are some ways that we can assist you with Sales and Marketing Analytics:

- Set up and track relevant metrics: We'll work with you to determine the most important metrics to track based on your business goals and objectives. This could include conversion rates, traffic sources, bounce rates, and other key performance indicators (KPIs).

- Data analysis and reporting: We'll use powerful analytics tools to track and analyse your website traffic and marketing campaigns, and provide you with regular reports and insights to help you make informed decisions about your sales and marketing strategies.

- Optimisation recommendations: Based on our data analysis, we'll provide you with recommendations on how to optimise your website and marketing campaigns for better performance. This could include adjustments to your website design, copywriting, advertising messaging, and targeting.

Insights For Your Food Business

Analyse your food business and the industry to identify your customer sectors and value propositions to develop strategies for business positioning.
Business Analysis
With our expertise and experience in the food industry, we can help you achieve operational excellence and gain a competitive edge by conducting a comprehensive business analysis for your business. We would first gather relevant data and information about the company's current operations, goals, and challenges. This may involve conducting interviews with key stakeholders, reviewing financial statements and other business documents, and analysing market trends and competition.

Once we have a clear understanding of the business, we would use various analytical tools and techniques to identify areas of improvement and develop recommendations for action. This may include conducting a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress, and developing a roadmap for implementation.

Throughout the process, we would work closely with you to ensure that our recommendations align with your goals and values. We would also provide ongoing support and guidance to help you successfully implement and monitor the changes, and make any necessary adjustments along the way.
Brand Development
At Crackling Media, we can assist clients in the food industry sector with their brand development. Our approach involves understanding your target audience, identifying your unique selling proposition, developing a clear and concise brand messaging strategy, creating a compelling visual identity, and implementing a brand activation plan.

By conducting market research, we gain valuable insights into your audience's preferences and behaviours. With this knowledge, we can create a brand that resonates with them and meets their needs. We also work with you to identify your unique selling proposition and position your brand in the market, differentiating you from your competitors.

We develop a clear and concise brand messaging strategy that communicates your brand's values, mission, and personality to your audience. We create a visual identity that is easily recognisable and memorable, including a logo, color scheme, and typography. Lastly, we help you implement a brand activation plan, launching your brand and engaging with your audience through digital marketing channels, social media campaigns, and influencer partnerships.
Strategy Development
To help you with your strategy development, our approach involves a thorough analysis of your business and target audience, followed by the development of a customised strategy to achieve your specific goals.

We begin by conducting a comprehensive analysis of your business, identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis enables us to gain a deep understanding of your business and your competitors in the food industry landscape. Next, we conduct research to gain insights into your target audience, their preferences, and behaviours.

Based on our analysis and research, we develop a customised strategy that outlines specific goals, tactics, and metrics for success. This strategy may include branding, advertising, digital marketing, social media, public relations, events, and other tactics to achieve your goals.
Customer and Industry Research
We offer customer and industry research to our clients in the food industry sector, enabling them to make informed decisions that drives business growth and success.

We begin by conducting comprehensive research on your target audience, including demographic information, preferences, behaviours, and buying habits. This research enables us to gain a deep understanding of your customers and their needs, allowing us to tailor your marketing strategy to their specific needs and preferences.

Next, we conduct research on your competitors, including their strengths, weaknesses, and marketing strategies. This research enables us to identify opportunities to differentiate your brand and gain a competitive edge in the industry.

Finally, we provide food industry trends and changes, such as emerging technologies, regulations, and consumer trends to adapt and evolve your marketing strategy accordingly.
Graphic Design
We can assist clients in the food industry sector with all their graphic design needs. Our approach involves creating a cohesive visual identity that reflects your brand's personality and resonates with your target audience.

We begin by collaborating with you to understand your brand's values, mission, and personality. With this information, we create a visual identity that includes a logo, colour palette, typography, and other design elements that are unique to your brand.

Next, we apply your visual identity to various marketing collateral, such as packaging, websites, social media, advertising, and other promotional materials. Our goal is to create a consistent and recognisable brand image that engages and resonates with your target audience. We also ensure that your designs are functional and effective, taking into consideration factors such as readability, accessibility, and user experience.
Process Improvement
Our expertise and experience in the food industry enable us to provide customised solutions that address specific challenges and inefficiencies unique to the industry.

To help you with process improvement, we begin by collaborating with you to understand your business goals and current processes. With our in-depth knowledge of the food industry, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of your operations, identifying areas that can be improved and streamlined. Next, we develop customised solutions to address these inefficiencies, such as automating manual processes.

We also provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure that your processes continue to operate smoothly and efficiently. Our goal is to help you achieve operational excellence, improve your bottom line, and gain a competitive edge in the food industry sector.
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Are you ready to maximise your business goals?

Contact us to book a free consultation session to discuss your business objectives.

Case studies

Digital Marketing

Grand Italian

Grand Italian needed a marketing refresh to promote interest in their pasta range 'Grand Italian Tuscan Finest'.
Website Design

That's Amore Cheese

An online shop transformation showcasing That's Amore Cheese's full range of food experiences and wholesale channels.
Food Consulting

Prestige Foods

Prestige Foods Australia (PFA) faced significant challenges in optimising its market presence and operational efficiency.

Butter Mafia

To increase their retail component, their marketing and website needed a review and overhaul.
Digital Marketing

Lee Kum Kee

Targeted ads and high-quality content drive conversions for Lee Kum Kee across social platforms and Google.
Website Design

Yarra Valley Cherries

Yarra Valley Cherries faced a challenge in increasing their retail and corporate market sales and recognised the need for a website and marketing overhaul.
Digital Marketing

Grand Italian

Grand Italian needed a marketing refresh to promote interest in their pasta range 'Grand Italian Tuscan Finest'.
Digital Marketing

Mrs Tran's Kitchen

Social media and digital marketing is used through their various social media channels to showcase their authentic Asian food products.
Digital Marketing

Copper Pot

The content produced for their hospitality and restaurant marketing is attractive, evocative, immersive and informative to drive user engagement and actions.
Digital Marketing

City Larder

Digital Marketing for a wholesale business such as City Larder involves utilising strategies to raise brand awareness and showcase brand advantages.
Digital Marketing

Lee Kum Kee

Targeted ads and high-quality content drive conversions for Lee Kum Kee across social platforms and Google.
Website Design

Yarra Valley Cherries

Yarra Valley Cherries faced a challenge in increasing their retail and corporate market sales and recognised the need for a website and marketing overhaul.
Website Design

Yarra Valley Cherries

Yarra Valley Cherries faced a challenge in increasing their retail and corporate market sales and recognised the need for a website and marketing overhaul.
Website Design

That's Amore Cheese

An online shop transformation showcasing That's Amore Cheese's full range of food experiences and wholesale channels.
Food Consulting


LaManna needed an overarching brand identity and marketing strategy to tie together the different businesses.

Butter Mafia

To increase their retail component, their marketing and website needed a review and overhaul.
Digital Marketing

Mrs Tran's Kitchen

Social media and digital marketing is used through their various social media channels to showcase their authentic Asian food products.
Digital Marketing

Grand Italian

Grand Italian needed a marketing refresh to promote interest in their pasta range 'Grand Italian Tuscan Finest'.

Butter Mafia

To increase their retail component, their marketing and website needed a review and overhaul.
Website Design

That's Amore Cheese

An online shop transformation showcasing That's Amore Cheese's full range of food experiences and wholesale channels.
Website Design

Yarra Valley Cherries

Yarra Valley Cherries faced a challenge in increasing their retail and corporate market sales and recognised the need for a website and marketing overhaul.
Digital Marketing

Grand Italian

Grand Italian needed a marketing refresh to promote interest in their pasta range 'Grand Italian Tuscan Finest'.
Digital Marketing

Mrs Tran's Kitchen

Social media and digital marketing is used through their various social media channels to showcase their authentic Asian food products.
Digital Marketing

Copper Pot

The content produced for their hospitality and restaurant marketing is attractive, evocative, immersive and informative to drive user engagement and actions.
Food Consulting


LaManna needed an overarching brand identity and marketing strategy to tie together the different businesses.
Food Consulting

Prestige Foods

Prestige Foods Australia (PFA) faced significant challenges in optimising its market presence and operational efficiency.
Website Design

That's Amore Cheese

An online shop transformation showcasing That's Amore Cheese's full range of food experiences and wholesale channels.

Butter Mafia

To increase their retail component, their marketing and website needed a review and overhaul.
Digital Marketing

Mrs Tran's Kitchen

Social media and digital marketing is used through their various social media channels to showcase their authentic Asian food products.
Website Design

Yarra Valley Cherries

Yarra Valley Cherries faced a challenge in increasing their retail and corporate market sales and recognised the need for a website and marketing overhaul.

Who we work with

Food and Beverage

Consumer Brands


Food and Beverage




Food Groups
Our clients
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Are you ready to maximise your business goals?

Contact us to book a free consultation session to discuss your business objectives.

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an experienced business strategist.

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Tel: +61 434 385 289
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Our Five-Step Business Growth Process

Our proven process enables us to maximise our effects in helping your business achieve success.

Brand Strategy

Developing a robust strategy allows for optimal positioning to obtain relevant customers.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing provides targeted reach of customers to influence their decision making.

Customer Management

Managing customers and their expectations will provide continued loyalty and conversions.

Lead Generation

Activities across multiplechannels will provide genuine leads to capitalise on.

Business Opportunities

Identifying new opportunities will enable your business to continue to grow.

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